Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Pandemic Year in Review

A whole year has pretty much passed. I know it has been rather rocky for most people; but in my household, we have been managing well... BUSY... but well. I want to let you know to hang in there! Also... get vaccinated. Let me say that again...

Hang in there!

Get Vaccinated!

I know there has been lots of reticence from some people about these vaccines, they they have been "rushed". However, they have not been rush as "popular social media" might lead you to believe. The research and testing has been going on since the first SARS virus made us significantly concerned and has thus been going on for decades now. The only things that were needed for this covid vaccine was to tweak it to the unique codes for the vaccine to be effective. The research is there; the medical reports are available; the research has been peer reviewed. It is solid.

Not getting vaccinated against covid is like not getting vaccinated against polio or measles, like refusing to wear a seatbelt or refusing to get an x-ray for a fracture. Please... PLEASE... be safe.

Where I live, we are very lucky. We are no longer in a major lockdown. Our schools are open; majority of the population are vaccinated; and we can do most things as we would have normally. The only restrictions still in place here are: wearing masks, social distancing, and hand sanitization. The vaccine has now become available for children (my 6-yr-old is vaccinated). This will mean she will be safe to attend things like birthday parties and other activities involving groups of children not just from her school bubble or from her family.

For parents of children, keep a routine! If they are in a classroom or doing their lessons online, keep a regular routine that includes being active (do something playful and active outside regularly). If you can (if where you are permits), enroll your child in an active extra curricular activity. My daughter does gymnastics and karate. Make sure that homework is given time and space (the same time and the same space) every day. That builds a mental routine that is more successful. Try to have your children help with chores to learn responsibility and family involvement. READ! Read to them, with them, or have them read to you every day. This makes a HUGE difference in their academic success. And lastly, be sure to have some play! Play plays a large role in both mental and physical development.

On a writing front, I have been very busy teaching English Language Arts to corporate executives and preparing for the recent NaNoWriMo. In 2020, the world was in lockdown for the pandemic and the organizers mandated that all Municipal Liaisons and participants "write from home" for the events. It was a huge challenge to shift to online forms of write-ins and activities. We did it! In fact, we did it very well, and we included great goodie bags that help people cope through the sense of isolation. Because NaNoWriMo is international and many countries are not in stable enough positions to be opened up, NaNoWriMo again mandated the "write from home" policy for 2021. Again, we managed with flying colors (for Montreal). Discord and ZOOM and FaceBook have been great ways to keep everyone connected and informed. I even had help this year! The wonderful Holly has joined in and will become a future co-ML next here.

Further on my writing front.......

I have no new finished works. Not exactly. I have finalized the teaching booklets for the level 1 courses I teach privately and finished 3 of 6 of the level 2 teaching manuals. I finished my GRP (Guided Research Paper - smaller version of the thesis) and have graduated with my Masters Degree in Cultures & Religions. So, while I may not have any publishable works done, I have certainly done a great deal of writing. I plan to jump back into some of my completes fanfictions and have printed copies available at the July 2021 Montreal ComicCon along with some crafted fun things. Here is a picture of said crafted fun thing.

Kodama (tree spirits) from Japanese folklore and best recognized from the Anime of Princess Monoke.

So I will be busy busy busy all spring.

I hope you all remain well, safe, and healthy. And... Have an absolutely wonderful HOLIDAYS whatever and however you celebrate.