Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Female Novelist Learns How Far a Male Pen Name Can Take Her

There is a gender bias in the publishing industry. Women’s writing often gets talked about differently, reviewed differently (if at all), and the content judged differently than writing by men. Of course, publishing is only one industry in which unconscious bias about names based on gender or race exists, and there have been studies done to explore this in other industries. In the case of publishing, a female novelist by the name of Catherine Nichols decided to try an experiment.

For those unfamiliar with the process, generally publishing houses don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts, which means that the first thing a writer needs to do is get an agent interested in their work, and............


Project List as of August 5th

A baby is due ANY DAY NOW!!!!

But that has not stopped me from thinking about writing...

Here is a list of the current writing projects:

  • Behind the Scenes with a Fair Coordinator (IN PROGRESS)
  • Update FAQ for Fair Presenters
  • Update FAQ for Fair Vendors
  • Zen of Tea book with a section on Meditation with Tea
  • Try again to format French MMBOS v2
  • Consider a third MMBOS volume: Wisdom from the Staff
  • Work on Chakra book
  • review fanfiction stories that are all pending new installments
  • Crash Course English Tutoring for Grades 5/6 in Preparation for High School Entrance Exams
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Spelling & Vocabulary
    • Grammar / Writing Conventions
    • Paragraph & Essay Writing
My current focus are the first three on the list.